
Setup Vox Blog

Visit Vox and click the Join Now icon.

1. Fill in the information on the setup page to create your account. Start by filling in your email address and choosing a password. Then provide the rest of the following information.

  • Choose a member name. This is public, so choose wisely if it matters. You may use an anonymous name or your regular name.

  • Enter your gender. Everyone likes to know who they are dealing with, but you can decline to state it.

  • Enter your birthday. It is a requirement for legal reasons, so be truthful.

  • Type in the characters for standard anti-spam measures.

  • Agree to the terms of service. Read the terms of service and select the check box.

2. Click Sign Up.

3. Confirm your email address. Vox will send you a confirmation email with a link that verifies your address. While you are waiting for your confirmation email, move on to Step 4, but don't forget to check your email because you will need that confirmation code for Step 7.

4. Enter other identifying information. Enter your first and last name, gender, birthday, country, and postal code. This all remains private unless you opt to reveal it to certain member groups, such as friends, family, or neighbors.

5. Choose a personal icon. You can always go back and select something different later or upload one of your own.

6. Select your Vox address. Choose something that is easy to remember and spell.

7. Enter your confirmation code. At the top of the page, enter the confirmation code you should have received by then in your email into the field and click Confirm Account.

8. Name your poison. At this point, you are offered options. You can choose to fill out your profile, set up your Vox, or write your first post.

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