
What People are Podcasting About

The opportunity to reach millions with the swift click of the Publish button is thrilling. Podcasting has opened people up to endless possibilities for exploring creativity. New podcasts pop up every day, and there is one for almost every topic.

Podcasting began mostly out of people's desire to broadcast their own radio shows. This is what a lot of people use it for. But as people always do, they pushed the boundaries, and now, podcasting is a useful tool in communicating with the masses. People use podcasting for broadcasting educational classes, updating long-distance family members, or recording step-by-step instructions and tutorials. No matter what you choose to podcast about, no doubt the Internet has a place for it. Take a look at some unconventional uses of podcasting:
  • Group podcasts - get your friends to join in and start a virtual brunch with your long-distance buddies. You can make group podcasts private if you do not want everyone knowing your secrets, or make them public to share your conversation with others.
  • If you are a teacher, podcast extra credit projects and have your students join in on the fun.
  • Crafty types can videocast a demonstration of knitting in the round or spinning yarn.

Just as there are politicians, musicians, artists, mothers, fathers, economists, and footwear fetishists, there is a podcast or many podcasts to match. The sky is basically the limit.

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