
Social Networks - MySpace

Social networks are not always great to blog on, but they are fabulous for networking. These sites allow you to network with other people with similar interests and plenty of other bloggers. Consider signing up for one or more of these popular sites to help get the word out about your blog and build relationships on the net.

One of the popular social network, MySpace is the social hub for anyone from 16 to 60. Everyone seems to use MySpace. Some MySpace users are very into it and forget there is a whole world of Internet beyond its domain. Many, especially blogging purists and business professionals, have the account as a supplement to their blog or business, not as their primary hangout.

While a lot of negative attention is paid to MySpace, especially when it comes to predators and scam artists, signing up for MySpace can definitely be fun, as long as you maintain the same level of discretion and privacy. It can be a great boon for your blog and a way to get those who rarely venture away from MySpace to explore life beyond their Top 8.

1 comment:

Annalise said...

eZanga recognizes the influence social networking has on the marketing and advertising industries and that’s why they recently updated their new site adding, This social network isn’t just a social network, it provides users with incentives such as cash and prizes and builds and maintains advertiser’s relationships along with expanding their online community. Some of the ways to earn points are: updating a blog, inviting a friend, and adding a picture. They have built and maintained credibility through customer’s success along with giving away over $100,000 in cash and prizes.